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Eagles Malawi News Sheet - Summer 2022 

Dear Eagles’ friends and supporters
As we all experience the impact of climate change in different ways, we think about people in Malawi whose lives are devastated by its effects - and yet who work with courage and resilience to mitigate its effect and protect those who are most vulnerable.
What makes Eagles’ work different is that it continues, deepens and extends over the long-term. It does not fade away like traditional development programmes. This is because the people who need the help are also the ones who lead the transformation with their churches and community. Please do read here how they are creatively working together to identify, prioritise and tackle their own needs, including the aftermath of tropical storms, rocketing cost of living and hidden issues of violence and abuse.
It is your support that makes all this possible.
With our thanks for partnering with Eagles to do this
Beverly, Tony, Diane, Rick and Cathy
Malawi Support trustees